Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honours God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. Titus 2:3-5
This page will be a series of interviews with Godly women who are around me and influence me. They are my 'older women' who I look to for guidance, help and inspiration in being a Godly woman, wife and mother.
Chris Main, a single Godly woman and although is now retired, serves our church amazingly well. I am so inspired by Chris's gentle nature and willingness to serve God. She is never a glory hunter but serves humbly and quietly. I look up to her gentle character and how she delights in serving.
Part 1: Being a Godly Woman
1. How and when do you have personal time with God?
Usually I have my time in the morning after breakfast. I spend around 30-45 minutes or an hour a day. I use my notes, ie thought for the day, as my focus to read through the bible in a year. Sometimes I use Matthews notes, as this is a great overview. I also use study books. I have just finished Isaiah and I plan to study Ezekiel next.
2. What is the 'passion' God has placed in you?
Having worked in the caring profession, I am passionate about helping people. I like to help people feel fulfilled and encouraged. I look out for those struggling or being left out.
3. Who is your Titus 2 woman?
Carol Hillman, Brenda Thompson and Andrea Absolom. I have invited these ladies to 'input' into some of the decisions I make. Being single it is good to have others to go to for guidance, to listen to you and to pray with you.
4. When you 'fall off the wagon' in being a Godly woman, how do you get back on?
After the realisation, talking it over with God, learning what I can be different in the future and seeking guidance from others. Its important not to go by our feelings but by the truth of Gods word. The key is to keep feeding yourself with Gods word, being a part of life groups and church. I need other Christians in my life as its part of being a family.
Part 2: Being a Godly Wife
Chris has, so far, has had the 'gift or singleness' through her life.
1. Do you view this as a gift, as Paul writes?
Sometimes its hard. God has shown me over the years many pluses to being single and has always been there and helped me. God has placed lots of people around me and I feel included in His family, as well as peoples families.
2. What activities do you enjoy?
I like keeping active. I play badminton, swim, cycle and walk. I think keeping fit is important. I enjoy gardening, going to the theatre. I enjoy classical and folk music.
3. What do you think is really important in maintaining a healthy marriage?
Most important is to respect one another and have good communication. Its important for wives not to bottle up their feelings. Its also important to share your faith together and build on things that you share.
4. Do you have a Godly couple that you look to for encouragement?
Yes, I look to Gordon and Sandy Carter (elders at our church) as well as my Titus 2 women - Tony & Carol Hillman, Tony & Andrea Absolom and Phil & Brenda Thompson (deacons)
Part 3: Motherhood
1. Although you do not have any of your own children, you have had plenty of experience with nieces/nephews and friends children's. When you babysit children, how do you train and discipline them?
Follow the parents example and keep to their wishes. It is up to the parents to discipline them but sometimes you need to step in when they're not there. I think you just have to make your judgement and stick with it. I found the training at westpoint on childrens work and discipline very helpful for the under 5s.
2. Do you have any wisdom to share on Godly parenting young children?
I think the most important thing is that they are loved and secure. I do think its important to have boundaries and consistency, to be positive and encouraging. Also to pray for them.
Part 4: Being in the home
1. What is your favourite family meal to cook?
I like chicken in white wine sauce. It's nice and easy to cook.
3. What is your favourite and less preferred household task?
I don't like dusting (as its fiddly) and I like the effect after you have cleaned windows.
4. How are the big events like Christmas, Easter and birthdays celebrated?Christmas - I am one of 4 children so I usually go to my brothers or sister for Christmas, so I am normally away. I think Christmas is a family time and like at least one day altogether as a family. When I was younger it was always stockings in the morning, to church, then lunch, a walk and then open the presents. There was normally a battle over whether the walk should take place verses opening the presents!
Easter - This is not so much a family time, I may have friends to stay. I tend to keep it as a quieter day and go out for a walk. I like to be part of church on a Sunday. When I was younger we used to do Easter presents etc but not now.
Birthday - I usually spend it with friends and go out either for a meal, a coffee or a theatre trip.
Clare Rabjohns, wife and mother to 3 children and her very cute dog Bonnie, plus a soon to be granny!
Clare has been a great help and support to me over my christian walk and such a good friend. Clare is selfless, loving and a great servant of Christ. I really admire her passion and commitment to Jesus. Clare has always been there to help with any crisis in terms of both faith and practical, it never appears an effort or burden for her. Clare has also shown my children such love and fun. They really look forward to her visits. She is an amazing Titus 2 woman!
Part 1: Being a Godly Woman
1. How and when do you have personal time with God?
Usually first thing in the morning or during the day if that's not possible. I am reading a chapter of Acts by Phil Moore and the following day I read 10 chapters from the bible, following a bible plan to complete it within the year. I make myself go to the extension room where there are no distractions so I can focus. Throughout the day I will pray and worship, this can be on car journeys, walking the dog or making the tea!
2. What is the 'passion' God has placed in you?
Love having opportunities to share what God has done throughout my life, to show the grace of God in the way we live out our lives and to see broken people set free.
3. Who is your Titus 2 woman?
My mum, She is such a hard worker, forgiving and endlessly gives out and serves.
4. When you 'fall off the wagon' in being a Godly woman, how do you get back on?
My spirit lets me know! Always make peace before the sun goes down and sometimes just having space away.
Part 2: Being a Godly Wife
1. Do you have a favourite marriage resource?
The marriage course that was held at church. We both really enjoyed it and it gave us good tools to use.
2. What activity do you enjoy together?
Cycling and walking Bonnie together.
3. What do you think is really important in maintaining a healthy marriage?
Having time together, and to think about the other person before yourself. Keeping short accounts with each other. Always keep dreaming and planning your future together.
4. Do you have a Godly couple that you look to for encouragement?
Phil & Brenda Thompson. They are Deacons in our church. We are inspired by how they live and have raised their children, and look up to them.
Part 3: Motherhood
1. Do you have a favourite parenting resource?
I like 'care for the family' parenting tools but I also think looking at friends going through the same stages really helpful
2. When your children were younger how did you train and discipline them?
My children are all different and therefore needed to be treated individually. We used time out, distractions as they got older star charts and consequences. Lots of patience is needed!
3. How has this changed as they've grown?
During the middle stage, you have different battles. They understand the family rules but they want more Independence. With the older ones, you watch them live out the consequences but make sure you're available to talk things through with them when they're ready.
4. Do you have any wisdom to share on Godly parenting young children?
Learn to keep giving your children to God always in all things. As they grow, choose your battles carefully.
Part 4: Being in the home
1. What is your favourite family meal to cook?
A roast dinner as it pleases everyone
2. What is the Rabjohn family activity of choice?
When we have money, it would be to see a musical, when we don't - having a good rummage around the carboots
3. What is your favourite and less preferred household task?
Less preferred is definitely ironing and I really enjoy hanging out the washing on the line
4. How are the big events like Christmas, Easter and birthdays celebrated?
Christmas time - We have a no entry before 6am rule, also when they come in they are to bring a cup of tea. We always take a photo of them holding their stockings. We go to church, have roast turkey and in the afternoon we chill out and watch films.
Easter - On Good Friday we have hot cross buns and go out for a walk. Easter Sunday we go to church, have a roast and Easter eggs. When they were younger we did Easter egg hunts.
Birthdays - For the children, the child would get to choose the dinner and we'd give presents and cards. now they're older Graham and I tend to go away for the weekend around our birthday.