Saturday, 2 April 2011

My Husband

Well I thought I'd introduce us all!

Starting at the beginning of our family, I met Jon when I was in year 11 at school.  He asked me to marry him 7months into our relationship (yes, i had only just turned 17) and said Yes! I imagine lots of people had their doubts, as we were so young, but we knew what we wanted and it certainly didn't put us off.  We married 7 years later and are looking to celebrate 9 years of marriage this September.

We are both quite opposite but i think that is part of the attraction.  I'm chatty and can speak on the phone for hours, Jon is not, I'm tidy and Jon does not even notice mess, I'm creative and Jon is practical, I have lots of ideas and Jon is, well, practical! Together I think we have a balance. The qualities I admire in Jon is that he's very hard working, caring and truthful (no, I'm not the opposite in this).  What i mean by truthful, is that he is honest and searches out the truth in application to his faith.  He also has a great sense of humour and makes me laugh.  He is my best friend and I enjoy sharing life with him.  I love spending time with Jon and really enjoy snuggling up on the sofa together watching a romantic comedy (when i get to choose the film) and sharing a bag of minstrels or ice-cream!

We are very pro-marriage! I love it for so many reasons.  I enjoy discovering and learning more about my husband, through this I have learnt more about myself and our character has grown over the years. Now we are Christians we are also learning about Gods purpose for marriage and how our faith strengthens us in this. 

Please note, we do not have a 'perfect marriage' where everything goes swimmingly along with no cross words or disagreements.  We work together through the problems and differences.  Its worth working at and devoting time too. 
Life is really busy, we have been renovating our home for the past 3 years and have 4 young children to look after.  Our immediate family is not around so we work really hard at family life.  I am so thankful for our church family who help support us! In order to work at our marriage, we have 'date nights'.  Its not always easy to get a babysitter so we mainly do this at home.  Sometimes we'll make a special meal and eat/talk/drink whilst the kids are sleeping.  Other times we'll enjoy an evening of what we used to enjoy before we were married (TV and treats) or play games together.  When its hectic it maybe just meeting at lunchtime and chatting over a sandwich (it all counts). Time is a bit of a premium in our house, but as the children are so young they have an early bedtime which helps us to get adult time together.  It doesn't really matter what we do, just having time together and maintaining being best friends.

I remember being on honeymoon and beaming with delight at being called 'Mrs James' I still beam with delight at this now....  

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