Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Baby Day.... Surviving a newborn

This time last year we finally met and held L for the first time - it was amazing! I remember coming home with my first and it was such a shock adapting to a new baby. However, with number 4 taking care of the newborn was the easy part.  This is my newborn essential list:

  1. Accept all offers of practical help.  You don't need someone to look after baby but help with the house chores is what you need. 
  2. Lots of people want to hold your new baby - it is so special.  I personally don't like my babies being handed round and would rather just keep them to myself! However, its good to share... So I do my best to let others cuddle. 
  3. People like to help, have a role and enjoy a cuddle, let them be help to you.  It is good to eat your meal in peace and have a bath/shower whilst others hold and watch baby for you or perhaps catch up on sleep.
  4. Keep visiting times short, so you or baby don't get too tired/over stimulated.  We discussed times and Jon implemented it. 
  5. Don't run round after your visitors, if they're visiting you during this special time, they can make their own tea and one for you!
  6. Don't skip meals you need all your vitamins and food for recovery.
  7. Day 3 onwards, hormones go crazy and I get the baby blues.  Thankfully this does settle down after a few days.
  8. Give yourself time to recover, don't worry about routines or getting dressed, just enjoy your precious new bundle - there will be time for all that later.  I started to feel more like myself when baby was about 6 weeks old.
  9. All babies are individuals.  What works for one mother and baby will be different for another. Lots of people will give you advice but you don't have to take it.
  10. I remember with B, doing different things depending on what midwife I saw as they each gave different advice.  Its not the advice was wrong but they do their training at different times and have different experiences as to what works best.  I didn't want to be a bad mother so therefore did whatever they said as they were 'professional' I should have had more confidence in being my newborns mother - God gave this child to us, as we are the best parents for him.
Remembering back last year with such joy, L I love you so much! How quickly the times goes when you are looking back.


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