Monday, 6 August 2012

Week 2 of the hols!

Week 2 and not done too well in taking photos this week - will try and remember for next time.  B (asd) is still transitioning into the summer break.  We've had some hard moments this week so am thankful to friends who have helped us out and gave me a break! (hubby has also been mad at work doing days, evenings and weekends so not been around to help)

Monday - Indoor play centre
Tuesday - Popps meeting for SEN statement, which meant I was very thankful for a kind babysitter for my 4 boys especially as the meeting went on for a lot longer than planned. Afternoon =  swimming lessons...
Wednesday = Met up at a friends house to play
Thursday - Met up with friends for an indoor picnic (not so great weather)
Friday - B was at disability break - sailing and kayaking for the day.  The younger children and i had a restful, chilled out day playing at the park and at home together.

So inbetween the activities, we do different things.  My younger children like playing with their toys - we have lots of different toy boxes so they often just choose a box.  N wants to be a spy so loves these imagination games along with action figures.  J just uses his imagination and plays his own games, Lego or joins in with what N or L is playing.  L loves balls and also the music box.  We do activities together like crafts, me reading stories or baking cakes.  All the children like outdoor play so we sometimes go on the scooters or grab bats and balls and play in the multi use games area outside our house.  We limit their time on the computer for 30mins and although I was going to set a limit for the TV too, i find i need them to watch TV to allow me to make the dinner etc or some quiet time whilst Lu is napping.  Thankfully they are not really into the TV so it is not on very often whereas they would spend all day, everyday on the PC, wii and ds consoles.

B is different as he doesn't just play, he doesn't know what to do, so at home I have to constantly feed him activities to do.  Which is exhausting and partly the reason why we go out and try to do something everyday.

Having B away for the day is a real rest bite for all of us. It was so nice for the other boys to play and interact together. B does try to join in with his younger siblings but his need for structure and routines means he normally bosses the younger ones around, enforces new rules to their game and they then give up playing as its no longer fun.  His rules are his way of understanding the game.  It was very hard getting B to go to his activity (even though he had chosen to do it) and very worrying for me to see him so distressed but he's with people who understand his condition and not shocked by his behaviours.  After lunch when i realised he would probably make it through the day I finally relaxed. It was nice to chill out.  It was good to spend time with N,J and L at the park and at home. It is a different atmosphere and a good break but that's not to say its awful when he's at home, its a change and it does us good.  When we picked up B he had, had a great time.  He was calm and relaxed and I felt he had really done well at overcoming his anxieties and actually having a successful day - he of course promptly reminded me of the treat i promised if 'he gave it a good try'  which of course he had done.

This week the boys have also been writing out their Christmas/birthday lists as that season will be upon us soon.  J's birthday is beginning of September so I normally plan and get things ready at the same time.  After him there is a flurry of birthdays and events taking us through to the new year and beyond.  I find time seems to speed up in the run to Christmas and being prepared early helps keeps my stress levels down and i can get better bargains.

So thats what we've been upto....

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