Sunday 3 April 2011

Our Children

We have 4 very handsome boys - B who is 7, N is 5, J is 3 and L who is 9months.  Life is certainly an adventure! We both grew up with sisters so navigating around a house full of boys is new territory for both us!

We want to raise up our boys to be strong Godly men.  We want them to be courageous and adventurous for God and able to lead thier families (if God calls them to that).  We believe each child is a precious gift from God and we are so grateful to be parents. 

Having 4 children, people naturally assume we're trying for a girl or perhaps our TV is broke! Well, I can assure you our TV is not broken and we choose to have a bigger than average family regardless of what sex they turned out to be.  As much as we would both love a daughter, we love our sons and feel so blessed to have them.

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